
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Which was It?

I want to start with wishing everyone a Happy New Year! :) I know that I will be starting off my new year with being more conscience of my health. Right now I am going through alot of deep emotional things, and have to keep reminding myself that I must take care of my physical self. This morning, I woke up, and being that I am at my daughter's house, my schedule is just a little off.

I had to remind myself that I had to take my meds, and that I have to eat. I never thought that I would think that EATING could such a chore. Just knowing my emotional state right now, I have to keep in mind that I have to keep strong, or at least maintain my diet, medicines, even with all the other things that have been just popping into my brain about the things that I have to do in the next couple days.

I know that when there is change in my daily 'routine', I can feel the change. I have come to realize that if I do not look out for my health and well being, there really is no one that can. Nobody knows your own body as well as you do, not even your doctor. I have to do some research on blood clotting; I understand that my brother was seen at the hospital for his clotting. Now, do we know if it was kidney failure, or was it clotting that was the cause of his death ?


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